Wednesday, September 30, 2015

A College Girls Guide to Corporate Dressing

If you step on LSU's campus on any typical weekday, you will notice a clothing trend among the college-aged women there. Almost every girls is dressed in athletic shorts, tennis shoes, and an over-sized t-shirt.

This unofficial uniform is so common because it's easy and comfortable. I admit, it's what I wear every day to class and I love it!

What happens though when these girls have to transition from the classroom to the corporate workplace? This was the question I faced when I started working as the marketing intern for a law firm this summer.

As a twenty-something, dressing for work can be tricky. It is important to look put together and professional, while still staying true to your style.

I find that the best way to do this is by finding the perfect fit, keeping clothing modest, and incorporating some color. 


For me, finding professional clothes that fit perfectly can be tricky because I am short. Pants and dresses tend to be too long, so the petite section in stores like The Loft and J. Crew are always my go-to.

Here's a helpful hint for my Baton Rouge girls who are 5'3 and under. The Loft at The Mall of Louisiana has the largest petite section out of all of their stores in the area.

Polished and Professional 

This may be a given, but I think that one of the most important things to remember when dressing for work is to keep things modest and professional. My favorite bit of advice is to dress for the job you want, not the job you have.



Incorporating color into your work outfit is the easiest way to show off your personality, while still dressing professionally. My favorite way to do this is with a bright top or sweater with black or navy pants. 

What are your favorite things to wear to work? Do you have any go-to places to shop for work clothes? Did I leave out any tips? Let me know!

Shout out to my gorgeous roommate, Liz, for modeling for this post and for always being there to edit my resume and cover letters. 

Image from Google 
Photos by Peyton Klemm and Alexis DeZayas 

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